Junius Heights Board and Block Captains to Host Wine Tasting Party

The Junius Heights Board of Directors and Block Captains invite you to a wine tasting and appetizer party on Saturday, August 25, from 7:00-9:00. We will meet at 1523 Abrams. Please bring your favorite bottle of wine and your favorite appetizer. This is a fun way to get to know our JH neighbors!

The house at 1523 Abrams is one of the oldest in Junius Heights and retains all of its original woodwork inside. It is a fabulous house!! The original owner, one Bessie Metcalf Trible, was a daughter of Senator Metcalf of Illinois.

August 22nd crime watch

House Burglarized on Parkmont

A house in the 700 block of Parkmont was broken into on Tuesday, August 14 around 4 p.m. The back door was kicked open. The alarm went off but the intruder(s) left with a TV. If you have any further information, please call 911.

House on Eastside Burglarized

A house in the 6500 block of Eastside has been burglarized twice in the past two weeks. Please call 911 if you saw or heard anything suspicious.

Car Vandalized on Victor Street

A car was vandalized in the 5500 block of Victor Street on Sunday, July 22. A passenger window was broken out and some electronics were taken.

Plant Thieves Continue to be Active

A plant was stolen recently from the backyard of a home in the 6000 block of Victor. The thieves had to reach through the fence in order to steal the plant. Where all of the stolen plants have gone this summer, is anyone’s guess. The plant thieves have targeted homes in the Lakewood, Junius Heights, and Munger areas.

Vagrant Continues to Harass the Neighborhood

A black man with a British accent, feigned or real, continues to be seen in the neighborhood. He knocks on doors at odd times and asks for money. He claims his passport has been stolen, he needs gas money, he has a wife and a sick kid, or some other similar story. He promises to pay you back when he can get his paperwork finished. He can be either charming or aggressive. Please do not give him any money. Call 911 instead.