September 23, 2007

A house in the 300 block of Lowell was broken-into on Thursday, September 20. The burglary took place between 12:30 and 3:00 in the afternoon. Entry was made by removing and stealing a window air conditioner. Also stolen were a laptop, a digital camera, a play station, a straitening iron, a wallet, a piggy bank, and a pair of tennis shoes. If you have any information, please call 911 or Keith Allen, our interactive community policeman at 214-670-0659.

The back wall of a garage/loft building and a trash can in the 700 block of Ridgeway was spray painted with gang graffiti last week. The back garage wall of a house at 730 Skillman was also spray painted.

There was an attempted break-in the evening of September 8 in the 5600 block of Eastside. The man was disoriented, intoxicated, and probably high. The police arrived within 4 minutes. The police discovered that he lived a block away and he was ultimately released to his home.

The man of African origin with a British accent continues to surface periodically in the neighborhood asking for money. He is a fraud and has an in-your-face personality or a charm that he turns on and off. His name is Tyrone Kinney. According to the police, it can be effective to call the individual by name, tell him to leave, and then call the police.

Preschool Parents

Would you like to meet other parents in the neighborhood? Help us organize an early childhood PTA for the Lipscomb Elementary School area!

Visit for more information or contact Pauline Mayfield at 214-827-5859 or

Some activities an early childhood PTA could organize:

* Playgroups
* Supper clubs
* Casserole Crew for new parents and injured parents
* Babysitting Co-op
* Holiday parties
* Mom’s night out
* Helping out with our neighborhood school