Entries by Mark Reeves

Junius Heights Newletter for Jan/ Feb 2012

Here is my New Years wish to each of you, my dear neighbors: As we bid our adieu to 2011, and ring in 2012, may this New Year bring us, every one, prosperity, clarity, joys both grand and small, humour, compassion and grace. There is no better state of being than to embrace who we […]

JHCW April/ May Newsletter

If you would like to receive our newsletters via email, let us know, as distribution is limited. WHO IS JHCW? Our efforts are all to reduce crime, raise safety and property values. When we bought our home over a decade ago, there was a lot of vandalism, car theft, etc, right on our block where […]

JHCW December Newsletter

November/December  2010 THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING YOUR CRIME WATCH! Our paper distribution is limited. If you would like to receive our newsletters via email, or if you would like to help by passing out the newsletter each month on your block, let us know. Paypal and our new web link, is now up and available. […]