Entries by Mark Reeves

Roving Dogs Continue to be a Problem

The three dogs that continue to plague the neighborhood were spotted Tuesday morning, May 22, going down the 5500 block of Victor, heading east towards Beacon. They were also seen on Ridgeway Sunday, May 20. This is the description of the dogs from the neighbor on Ridgeway: all three appear to be mature but not […]

May 23, 2007

A prowler was spotted in the alley, between Parkmont and Dumont Wednesday night, May 23, about 10:00. He is an Anglo man in his late 50s-early 60s, about 5’8’, slender, with stubble on his face. The police were called and responded within five minutes. As this is being written, they are looking for him. The […]

Packs of Dogs Continue to be a Problem in East Dallas

A cat was killed by dogs on Wednesday, May 16, on Worth Street (block number unknown). Another resident just e-mailed and said her cat was killed in mid-March in the 700 block of Glasgow. On Sunday, May 20, three roving dogs followed a resident’s cat under the crawl space of a house in the 700 […]