Entries by Mark Reeves

April 22, 2007

A car was vandalized Saturday night (April 22) on Parkmont. The car was parked on the street and a window was broken.  Two-three young men in their 20s, who may be living in an apartment in the 5500 block of Gaston, have been causing problems on Swiss. Last Tuesday, one of the young men […]

April 18, 2007

On Friday, April 13, a house in the 5900 block of Victor was broken into during the day. Entry was gained by climbing over a backyard fence and removing a window in the back. The thief or thieves very carefully cut out a rear window without breaking any glass. Stolen were a lap top computer, […]

Backyard Crimes are increasing

A house was broken into during the day (April 16) in the 5500 block of Junius. The thieves entered through the rear of the house by breaking a window facing the back-yard.  They stole jewelry, electronics and other valuables. They left through the front door. Â