Yard of the Month

Yard of the Month April 2021

April’s Yard of the Month goes to Eustacio and San Juana Araiza at 5908 Worth Street. The Araizas have lived in Junius Heights for 30 years and raised three children. They now enjoy the company of three grandchildren with one grandson who lives next door. Mr. Araiza designed the landscaping with low maintenance in mind, utilizing the natural rocks that were left over from the ramp they added with a dry rock creek bed running under the ramp as if it were a bridge. The colorful flowers and shrub placements compliment their natural stone home and artfully display the outsized white metal address numbers that they had made in Mexico.

Congratulations Eustacio and San Juana on being awarded the April 2021 Yard of the Month. Your ongoing effort in making your yard so attractive and admired by all who see it is greatly appreciated.

Have a recommendation for Yard of the Month? Email it to juniusheightshd@gmail.com

Yard of the Month

Yard of the Month March 2021

The March Yard of the Month is awarded to Gayle, owner of the charming Craftsman bungalow at 5314 Victor. Her yard is always well maintained, with plantings that enhance the style of her home. Even after the destructive storms and record-breaking deep freeze, her landscaping is very tidy, with ornamental grasses trimmed back and ready for spring. In the warmer weeks ahead, colorful flowers will fill the planters that line the home’s front rails.


Your Input Needed

Gaston Avenue Corridor Study Public Survey

The City of Dallas is conducting a survey to hear the neighborhood’s thoughts and opinions on the existing transportation conditions and desired improvements for the Gaston Avenue corridor. The survey is estimated to take less than three minutes of your time, and your participation will help the City create a better plan for all road users that travel along Gaston Avenue. If you would like to participate and make your voice heard, you can access the survey here:

The City of Dallas project team will use the survey results to evaluate the Gaston Avenue corridor (between N. Washington Avenue and Garland Road/Grand Avenue (3G Intersection)), determining the best path forward for traffic calming and pedestrian improvements, as well as the consequent impact of such improvements on the traffic operations of the corridor.