First Annual Junius Heights Historic District Home Tour

Plans are underway to have a first-ever Junius Heights Historic District home tour. The Board of Directors has tentatively selected the second weekend in November. If you would like your home or another home to be on the tour, or if you would like to be on the planning committee, please contact reneschatgtedotnet.

Victim from Hit and Run in Hospital

On Sunday, June 17, around 9:00 pm, an individual in the 900 block of S. Beacon jumped on the hood of his car in an attempt to prevent it from being stolen. The car traveled down Beacon before the victim fell off the hood. The victim was then assaulted with knives by two suspects.
Miraculously, the victim survived and is recovering in the hospital. The police were able to collect physical evidence but no arrests have been made. Please call 911 or contact our police community liaison, Keith Allen, at 214-670-0659 if you have any information.

Plant Thieves Strike Again
The plant thieves continue to be active. Plants were stolen from the front porch of a house in the 5500 block of Tremont the week of June 18.

East Dallas Neighborhood’s Picnic in the Park

The neighborhoods of East Dallas are invited to a Picnic in Buckner Park on Sunday, June 10 from 2:00-6:00 p.m. There will be performances by Ballet folklorico at 3:00 and Restoration Blues at 4:30.

There will be opportunities to review the Buckner Park Master Plan and give feedback and input into the plan. You will be able to meet city officials, enjoy live music and games for the kids, and buy raffle tickets and win one of many fabulous prizes!

Cold drinks and snacks will be available. Residents should bring their own picnic. The Picnic in Buckner Park is sponsored by Peaks Addition.