Residents Invited to Meet Angela Hunt

Residents of Junius Heights are invited to meet and greet Angela Hunt, our District 14 Council Representative, at the home of Bill and Marsue Williams this Thursday, May 10 from 7-9 p.m. The Williams’ home is located at 5612 Reiger Avenue. Come by for dessert and coffee and to meet Angela Hunt! There will be extra yard signs for Angela in the drive-way.

Man knocking on Door soliciting money

A man of African origin, who speaks with a crisp British accent, has been knocking on doors in our neighborhood asking for cab money. He claims he is the chef of a four-star restaurant, he was robbed, and no longer has any identification. He will offer to give you a check in return for money (and a good meal) so he can get to work. The checks are printed with the name “Tyrone Douglas Kenney.”

It is a scam. Please do not give this man any money.

Ferns were stolen off the front porch on the 700 block of Parkmont this week. It has recently been learned that two weeks ago a second parked car was vandalized on Parkmont as well as a stolen car was found in the alley behind Parkmont.

On April 27, a real window in the 5600 block of Eastside was cut out and thieves stole appliances from the house. Eastside borders the JH district and the method of entry is similar to one that was done to a house in the 5900 block of Victor April 13.

A house in the 5500 block of Junius had a cycle a minibike stolen on April 17. Bicycles were also stolen in April 25 from a house in the 5500 block of Reiger.

If you see something suspicious, please call 911.

April 25, at 9:30 p.m.

A home in the 5300 block of Tremont was broken into the night of Wednesday, April 25, at 9:30 p.m. The alarm went off and the alarm company called a JH resident to report the back door was ajar. The resident arrived about 3 minutes later and found that a small hole had been made in the rear door’s glass panel in order to open the old night latch lock. The door was subsequently kicked in.

There were tracks in the back yard that indicated the burglar had scaled a seven foot high fence and was heading for Worth Street. Nothing was taken from the house. It is believed the burglar exited as soon as the alarm went off and the JH resident arrived on the scene.

This is the third recent rear break-in of a house in JH. If you see something suspicious, please call 911.

I have a camera which recorded this vehicle at 9:29 on the same street. Not sure if it is the criminal but the timing is dead on at 9:29pm.