Break in at 700 Block of Lipscomb 1/22/06

A house undergoing renovation in the 700 block of Lipscomb was broken into last week. There was nothing inside the house, including floors, but the thieves did some did damage as they tried to steal copper pipes.
This seems to be a recurring problem in Junius Heights. This is the third house in recent memory where vandalism has occurred while a house was undergoing restoration or renovation.

Illegal Dumping in Junius Heights 1/21/06

A load of brush was illegally dumped at the corner of Augusta and Junius on January 18. A description of the vehicle is as follows: two-tone metallic blue older model pickup (late 90s) with painted side-rails and a head rack. Please do not dump trash or brush on other people�s yards. The city does bulk pick-up every third week in our neighborhood. Bulk trash should be placed out front early Monday morning on the third week in the month.

November 23, 2005

On Monday evening (November 21) around 3 am, a house on Huntley was burglarized. The owners are remodeling the house and have not yet moved in. This is a new house with an attached garage. Entry was gained by breaking a window, opening the garage door, and stealing the dishwasher, table saw, and drill. The owner has hired a night security guard until the restoration is complete and the residents can move in.