Join JHHD!

Keep Junius Heights beautiful, historic, informed & fun!

Junius Heights Historic District membership is voluntary and open to all residents of Junius Heights. Annual dues are currently $35 per household, and membership entitles the household free entrance to Spring Fling and the Holiday Party, discount pricing on Home Tour tickets, and one vote per household at our Fall General Membership Meeting.

Live outside of Junius Heights but want to support JHHD? You can become a Friend of Junius Heights. Annual dues are currently $35 per household, and membership entitles the household free entrance to Spring Fling and the Holiday Party, and discount pricing on Home Tour tickets. Friends of Junius Heights do not have voting privileges.

Ways to join JHHD:

Send a check payable to “Junius Heights Historic District” (including your name, address and email) to:

Junius Heights Historic District
1523 Abrams Rd
Dallas, TX 75214

Pay using ACH, Credit Card, Apple Pay or Google Pay:

Membership dues are used for:

  • Events and activities such as Yard of the Month, Spring Fling, East Dallas Games, Fall Yard Decorating Contest, Home Tour and Holiday Party
  • Beautification efforts such as planting and maintenance at parks, alley cleanups and street sign toppers
  • Communication through our website, newsletters, emails and social media
  • Support of our neighborhood schools

And your involvement allows us to support the District in many ways:

  • Historic preservation and zoning efforts
  • Acting as a liaison between Junius Heights and city representatives
  • Promotion of Junius Heights as a great place to live and invest

In addition, as of February 2010, Junius Heights Historic District is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation in the State of Texas. We now accept tax deductible contributions towards various neighborhood projects, including our Streetcar Fund.